Masterful planning, acting and timing pulled this off.
Whatever the case, if you love watching unsuspecting people navigate terrifying situations, Netflix has plenty of other shows to keep you occupied while you wait for more news - or just want an alternative, non-controversial option. 2019 Teddy Scare 6.5 (201) Rate A babysitter finds herself in the middle of a real-life horror movie. Netflix declined to comment further when reached by Bustle, but a little bit of controversy certainly hasn't stopped them from renewing contentious shows in the past (see: 13 Reasons Why), so perhaps the backlash won't affect whether or not Prank Encounters gets a second season too heavily. All participants came in with the expectation this was a one-day, hourly gig and everyone got paid for their time." In response to the criticism, Netflix released a statement to Time reading, " The pranks in Prank Encounters are spooky, supernatural, and over the top, and everyone had a great time. When Prank Encounters was initially announced in June, people were quick to accuse the show of taking unfair advantage of job-seekers.

However, not everyone finds the idea funny. Matarazzo always reveals himself before any physical harm or violence comes to the subjects, but he manages to elicit enough scares for anyone who likes a bit of schadenfreude with their Halloween programming. The show, hosted by Stranger Things' Gaten Matarazzo, recruits unknowing participants for odd jobs, only to spend the day terrorizing them with creepy gags like haunted teddy bears, masked killers, and alien invasions.
Whether or not Netflix's new hidden-camera prank show, Prank Encounters, returns for Season 2, there are already a lot of eyes on the series - and not necessarily for good reason.